“Basically, what kind of person is someone? What kind of style does he/she have, even within a team? Understanding this definitely adds something, also to get a more diverse team with people who can complement each other. You often already have an existing team and what is added has to match.” Conny de Haan used to work with the DISC, but switched to the Company Stars because it is stronger and is very satisfied with the in-depth insight into employees and applicants that she obtains through the reporting.” – Conny de Haan, P&O advisor Mozaïek Wonen
Mozaïek Wonen, based in the Green Heart, is a leading mid-sized housing corporation. With an impressive portfolio of nearly 10,000 mainly social housing units in Gouda, Bodegraven, Nieuwerbrug, Gouderak and Moordrecht, Mozaïek Wonen fulfills an essential role in housing various target groups.
The core objective of Mosaic Housing is to provide appropriate housing to people with limited budgets and those who need special attention and care. Fulfilling this mission is the basis of their existence and identity. However, Mosaic Housing believes its role goes beyond simply offering housing.
In an increasingly complex and changing society, there is a growing need for a place of one’s own where people not only feel comfortable and safe, but are also seen and valued. Mosaic Housing has integrated this need into its mission statement; “To provide a home for our tenants by providing sufficient good quality and affordable housing to people of all ages with limited budgets, as well as those who require special housing attention and care.”
The Company Stars & Management Stars test is used in the selection and development of employees, managers and C-level executives. This test offers deep insight into candidates’ unique personalities and hidden motivations, providing valuable leads for selecting the right candidates and fostering their growth and development.
For some time, Deen has been Mozaïek Wonen’s trusted partner in the field of assessments. Mozaïek Wonen invests in attracting, selecting and developing the right people, with our development assessment playing an essential role. Through our reports, they gain insight into the potential of their employees and receive targeted development tips that provide immediate practical guidance for further growth. The in-depth insight into the underlying motivations of the Company Stars test is invaluable here. This test provides both an objective picture of drives and a self-perception of the candidate. Discussing both images helps to understand how a person sees themselves and what they would like to be, compared to the actual drives that drive their behavior. By openly engaging in the conversation, we can get to the heart of a person and offer advice on where they fit best and where development will be most effective. Our philosophy is that employees do best when they are doing work that suits them.
Depending on the growth phase and goals of the organization, we detect talent and offer very concrete selection advice based on data, such as the percentage success rate, and/or concrete development points per competency. In this way, we contribute to creating strong employees and teams.
All the mentioned actions and processes can be easily managed and executed by HR and managers through the Company Stars dashboard. Once an account is created, our professional support department will guide you to achieve the desired results.
More information about Mosaic Living can be found here.